Monday, October 26, 2009

Sharing our Faith

I had the most wonderful faith experience today with my friend Trudy. We talked on the phone for over an hour in which time we covered a lot of territory. We hadn't talked since May when I went back to Massachusetts for the summer. Trudy celebrated her birthday last week. I had called her and dropped off a book on prayerful reflection to her house and today she called me to thank me.
Trudy and I come from totally different backgrounds. She is a true Southern belle; she has the accent, the poise, and she dresses beautifully every day. We have even laughed about how her underwear matches her outfit! I affectionately call her "Barbie". She has a different outfit for each occasion, just like Barbie!
What many don't know is that Trudy is a deeply spiritual woman who deals with a lifelong, chronic disease. It has hampered her life in many ways and presents obstacles in new ways every day. Trudy starts each day off with praying. She has much to teach me. I pray each day and try to live my prayer life the best I can. Trudy reflects, reads Scriptures and prays each morning to help her deal with whatever the day presents to her, both mentally and physically. That is why I gave her a book on reflection for her birthday.
I'm "cradle born Catholic" as they say here in the South. Trudy is Baptist. Continents apart most people think. But Trudy and I have spent many hours discussing our religion. I have made Catholicism less of a mystery to her, I hope, and she has shown me how Baptists honor God and especially Jesus.
So this morning, Trudy and I talked about our faith, our prayer life, and how we try each day to do God's will. Not your typical "catch up" call. We both, in our own way, are trying to fulfill whatever purpose we are meant to do. I truly believe each of us is born for a reason. I welcome other's viewpoints on their religious life. What I won't focus on is our differences! Our lives are too crammed full of issues and problems to focus on that. I'd rather focus on what we share. Our love of family, of God and trying to understand what are we to do at this moment in our lives.
I shared with Trudy what's happening in my family and she did the same with me. And we told each other we would pray for the needs of our families. I told her she had uplifted me. She offered a fresh look at situations in which I find myself; offered a different perspective and renewed my faith in myself and in the wisdom of God. That's a beautiful experience.
So don't discount people in your life who you think aren't like you. Trudy and I are not that different after all. We love our families and our God. And we each are trying to do the least harm and the most good we can. As Trudy said today, "I try to act so that others see more of God and less of me." Isn't that what our lives should be?