Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September's end

I couldn't let September go by without sharing a few thoughts. It's been very hot, humid and cloudy here in KY until yesterday. Now we're in sweaters and rubbing our arms. No sooner do we shut off the AC and we have to think about turning on the furnaces!!
Fall is a mixed bag for me. I like it but don't love it. I can enjoy those clear blue skies and the changing leaves, but not without a slight shudder at the thought of the cold that will soon be here.

One of the things that's nice about south central Kentucky is we don't get deep cold waves. We stay pretty moderate but we do get lots of clouds and those dreary days tend to weigh me down. So right now I am enjoying the last colors of my gardens and trying to keep up with the weeds. I swear they have orgies during the night because they are all back again when I return in the morning!

I've used this month to try to organize myself a bit more and re-evaluate groups and activities in which I participate. Not easy. I'm finding that I want to be with people who enjoy each other and focus on what's important. Values are becoming so important to me. What one says and does matters. And I want to be with those who are considerate of others and open to all. There are so many great organizations and groups to join that you can get "over" scheduled. A different activity each day is a real possibility. I love people so I usually just jump in and then decide later if I want to continue.

So I'm prioritizing my activities. I want to focus on those things that make life a bit easier for others. I'm blessed to be able to volunteer and join groups and so I want my time to be used wisely. And I also want time alone. Time to reflect. To analyze, so to speak, my progress towards my goals of helping others.

So that's what I've been doing for September. Looking inwards, preparing myself for the winter months ahead just as I prepare my garden beds for the winter. Doing lots of work inside so that come spring, I can bloom too!

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